January 16, 2010

+ what's in my bag? +

i first got to know one of my favorite writer within the online diary community called "diaryis". she is always my idol as she always writes such beautiful words, draws wonderful pics.. moreover, i fell in love with her handwriting.

today, we are still in touch and recently she's posted a series of things in her bag on facebook. i was so interested in her handmade notebook, which, she told me later, she bought in india! :)

anyway, she asked me to do the same kind of series.. so here it is!

i got this as a christmas gift from my mom-in-law, but my husband chose it for me. i mean i couldn't decide at all, among three of them.. but i'm so glad hamish didn't disappoint me! :) it is cheap. it is black. it is big.

these things are normally located in my bag, but sometimes there are unwanted things joining them - receipts, brochures, used tissue paper, maisie's panties! anyway, i think i need some more little cases to put things in properly, so it'd be a lot easier for me to find! at the moment, it seems like a chaos each time i'm looking for something in there..

my wallet is quite empty at the moment, except coins! :'( i got too much of those!

rescue remedy always makes wonders! do you prefer pads or tampons, by the way? :P

one more thing i'm unable to add is the iphone! as i use it to take these photos, sorry!!

ok! that's it for the bag tag. i really wish i had more cute stuff, more colorful stuff in my bag. well, wait and see! :)