April 27, 2009

+ silly thoughts +

..when I was feeling blue..

Someday, I will be heard.

Someday, I will be seen.

Someday, life will be fairer.

But now, I’m in between.

Some days, I feel happy.

Some days, I feel sad.
Some days, I have a hard time.
And end up making someone mad.

Life is hard.
Life is short.

Life is scary.

But it’s all I’ve got.

I eat.

I sleep.

I work.

Get paid cheap.

I laugh.

I cry.

I walk.

Wish I could fly.

I breathe.
I see.

I’m someone else.

Not me.

I was born.

I will die.

I wonder.
Then I sigh.

Somewhere nice and simple.

Sometimes not too long.

Someone I really love.

Somewhere I belong.

To be continued when I feel blue (again)



+ the issue +

Yeah, as you could see, probably about a month ago when I started to get addicted to quizzes on Facebook. I’m sorry that I’m a selfish bitch but I don’t think I see anything wrong with that.

I mean, can’t I do anything I want with my Facebook account? OK. My news feeds on your ‘home’ page might be freakin’ overloaded, because I couldn’t stop pressing “Publish” once I finished each quiz. I’m totally truly sorry about that if whatever I’ve done bothered you. I definitely didn’t mean to.

The thing is Facebook has provided the users a special button called “Hide”, at the end of the first line of each news feed, in the case that they do not want to see someone’s news feeds. Hiding the whole thing of that person or just specific one is absolutely up to the users. No need to ask that person with this kind of question: “So, you want me to hide all your updates, right?” Well, it’s totally up to each user. Don’t people this “AGE” think anymore?

For example, I bothered each and every friend of mine with all my silly quiz publications. Each and every friend of mind could just click “Hide Shieri” from that button. [No need to ask for my permission if they can do so or not. None of my business! Sorry for being so careless.] So everything I decided to publish wouldn’t be able to bother them anymore. Obviously I’m not that interesting to have super-duper stuff to update on my status, as I am just this dumb ass farting about Facebook, so anyone can just ignore my news feeds. But if you clicked that button and suddenly want to know what’s going on with this dumb ass, how about looking at my profile?

I don’t need to know whether all of my stories will be hidden or I’ve been deleted or blocked by someone forever. I mean, just do what you want, OK? But for my friends who love doing quizzes, PLEASE keep publishing. You never bother me at all. Someone asked me what I’d feel if her news feeds are all over my ‘home’ page. I haven’t told her yet that “I’d feel excited. I’d read them and maybe give comments on them. I’d do the quizzes afterwards if I haven’t done them yet.” [Satisfied with this dumb ass’ answer?] I’m sure she’d wonder how on earth someone brainless like me can still live in this planet. Whoa! :P

At the end, I’d like to apologize to every person listed as my friends. I am so so sorry if I have annoyed and bothered you with my stupid lifestyle. I really don’t know it has caused you all such a big trouble in life. Please forgive me. But if you don’t feel like it, just delete me from your list. I know I deserve that.

Thank you.



+ lovely little trip +

In mid April, I finally got the chance to head to the beach. Unfortunately, my monthly visitor arrived at such a very wrong time. No matter what, I was finally on the beach – the happiest moment of the year so far.

The place we stayed was so nice, but crowded with kids. I guess it is a family-friendly hotel as all the facilities they provide are for all ages.

Walking along the sandy beach, feet touching the sea water, hearing the wind blows, watching little crabs running, looking at people and being under the bright sky. What else could I ask for?

O.K. Except the fact that I didn’t have my bikini on.

O.K. Except the fact that I didn’t bring a book to read by the pool.

I only stayed there for a night. Too short though, really.

I’m not sure where the next destination will be, but I do hope to get to India some time next year. :D




+ new books on shelf +

I haven’t had the chance to write on my blog at all in the past week, been busy working on Hamish’s book and also with the school events. So 3 posts I’m giving! :P

Last week or so, Hamish was so kind that he really bought me 2 books. Unbelievable, wasn’t it?

I can say that one of them is my most favorite book so far – with the stories, the illustrations, the concept, OK.. the whole thing! I’ve finished reading it twice already. It is this super cutie pink little book called “The Pink Happiness”.

Everytime I take a quick peek at this book, you can see a smile on my face. :D

Another book I want to talk about is the book I’ll definitely keep with me as long as possible, like those old ones standing on my shelf.

Have you had a dream job? Mine is a traveler. I haven’t been quite successful with it. But I will be one day, hopefully in 10 years’ time.

This book takes me to Tokyo, where I long to visit again. The thing is I don’t get to see only those sassy places I’ve been or always heard of, I’ll also get to see Tokyo in so many different angles, i.e. the little corner in Shinjuku or on the way to somewhere by train during rush hours.

The book itself looks totally awesome. With the layouts, page designs, Polaroid photos. I couldn’t resist not looking inside when I saw it at the bookstore. And once I looked inside this book, I couldn’t resist leaving one of them there. Yes, I took one home with me. :D

I think it was the best week I’ve had so far this year. Thanks a bunch, HoneyBunny!



April 11, 2009

+ sweet & cute +

Oh my! I’m here again. I can’t believe I’m so into blogging here. :D

It’s been super nice to be around my blog and I really love the feeling looking around. I hope this sort of feeling stays with me for a long long time. I’m so lovin’ it.

I miss those days when I got to make mini choc balls, and yogurt cheesy chilly pie. I enjoy the moment having something cute and colorful in my mouth. It is oh so good..

Very soon, I guess I’ll have to find those moments again!

I’ve actually been pretty happy with no reason at all, apart from one thing on my mind. I finally had my hair done and it stayed kind of red for quite a while. I don’t think it is still red though. The color has slowly faded away. I wonder if I should dye my hair red one day.

Late last year, I had so much fun watching 5 caterpillars growing into hawk moths. As now, there aren’t any cutie caterpillars about, I decided to look for something else to watch.

One day, I spotted that at each and every corner of the bathroom is a safe home for little spiders. I slowly moved one into a container and kept feeding it with smaller spiders. Anyway, one small spider survived and it turned out that they both – the big one and the small one – lived happily together, I just let them both go.

I really miss having something like that to watch. Unfortunately, it can’t be any plants or flowers as everything I’ve tried to grow so far never last that long. >___<”

OK. I guess I’d better get going. Lots of typing to be done..

Hippily happy!



April 7, 2009

+ thinking ... +

This morning I received an unexpected phone call. It was about the job I was about to end, which seemed a lot harder.

I am not sent from God.
I am not a genius.
I am not a well-trained teacher.
My English is nowhere near a native speaker’s.

So, how on earth can I possibly teach 2 English books at the same time?

Maybe, it’s time I have to make my move, quitting this job.
I need a good enough solution, otherwise I’m done with this.

I’m sorry, but I’ve already tried my best not to be too selfish.
I mean, this is my VACATION. Can’t I just think my own silly thoughts throughout this month?

For instance:

:: Where the heck is my period? It’s due today. Come QUICK!!
:: No I’m not pregnant! I shouldn’t have done that stupid quiz. Made him so worried now.
:: My tummy’s so round. I’m so fat. I can’t stop eating.
:: Would there be any free time in Freetown for me?
:: Nerd glasses! Be Mine!! >__<”
:: Looking forward to backpacking to India
:: Wanna go shopping! :P
:: Sissy time. Me and sis. Me and girlfriends.
:: etc.

Also, I’m waiting for my mini laptop at the moment. I hope I will have time to do a lot of things with it, especially on Adobe Illustrator.

Oh dear! I can’t believe the thought about work just popped inside my empty brain again. Get the hell out of my head now! Shouldn’t I just quit now? Please. I want to be hippily happy. :D


+ these days +

Seriously, after I moved to my ‘blogspot’, I’ve been a lot more inspired. I don’t really know why though. It could be the layout that I finally made it the way I like, fun and simple. Moreover, I did get to see more of such inspiring blogs.

As I’m pretty free now, I’ve spent each day so unproductive. I was thinking about doing something – like learn how to knit or crochet – but when I popped those yarns out, I had to forget about it suddenly. Just be patient, Shieri!

I planned to put some more decorations into my room, tidy up, do some laundry (that I don’t know how to). I wish I could arrange the wardrobes properly as they seem to get very unorganized again. >__<

Talking about the wardrobes made me think about clothes. Mine. The girls’. My Blythe’s. Not really Hamish’s as he only wear shirts and trousers / shorts. :P The girls are growing up so fast, especially Zoe. I don’t really think she has enough clothes that fit.

I am growing too. I mean my belly. No I’m not pregnant! I’m getting big. I’m getting large. I’m getting huge. I’m getting FAT! I need XXXL clothes. I want more clothes, more shoes, more accessories. I wanna go shopping!

My Blythe, Claire, has no clothes at all. I mean no new outfits, only the one she was wearing when we first met. Oh, you poor little thing. I don’t want to give up on her though. I’ll try my best, but of course we – real girls – come first! lol..

I miss …

- stationery at B2S
- this n that at Muji
- books at Kinokuniya
- cute items at LoFT
- cool stuff at Zeen Zone
- home decorations at Index

- taking photos
- traveling by train
- window shopping
- Paris, France

and most of all
- friends


April 3, 2009

+ little projects .... +

I just moved all my old blogs to my blogspot as I found the way to make it look just like what I like.. :D

In the past month or so, I'd been complaining too much that I've got no time for myself at all. It seemed like everything I do was for someone else. But now, as I finished all the yearbook designs and a lot of room decorations (not quite totally finished though), I am too free. I don't know what to do each day so I end up doing a lot of sudoku puzzles for fun..

This month, there are many things I'm looking forward to..

The beach, I'll visit the beach. Hooray! Last visit was like 9 months ago! The thing is my period's probably around at the time, and I don't feel comfy having a tampon in the sea..I guess I won't be sexy this time then. Thank goodness, I actually gained some weight and my tummy is too round and filled with fat, I need to work out, big time! So, maybe it's good I can't wear what I want to wear..lol :D

I'm actually working on my long-term project now and I don't really know how long this is going to last, but i'll try my best. I thought about translating a book a long long while ago. It turned out I got too excited with the book, so I read the whole thing and forgot about translating.

This time, I randomly picked this book and the story seems to go well with my own life! So, I guess I will enjoy translating it.. Hopefully, I won't get too excited like last time, or else this book is going to be in a pile for donations instead.

Another project is something artsy fartsy!! :D

I've been planning for so long about this, but I couldn't quite do it properly at all.

I want to learn how to draw with my own hands and with the help of Adobe Illustrator.
I want to learn how to paint with any kinds of colors available for me.
I want to learn how to sew with my own hands and with the help of a sewing machine (which I don't have one).
I want to learn how to knit and crochet. I've got every little thing I need to do so, just 'knowing how to' that I lack.
I want to learn how to make cute stuff with paper. need more info on this.

I really hope I can get to share every corner at my place some time soon.

It's not that exciting, but I feel really happy with the decorations and how my place looks at the moment. Obviously, though, I need to tidy up properly again around May. but who cares as long as it keeps looking super cute to me!
