April 11, 2009

+ sweet & cute +

Oh my! I’m here again. I can’t believe I’m so into blogging here. :D

It’s been super nice to be around my blog and I really love the feeling looking around. I hope this sort of feeling stays with me for a long long time. I’m so lovin’ it.

I miss those days when I got to make mini choc balls, and yogurt cheesy chilly pie. I enjoy the moment having something cute and colorful in my mouth. It is oh so good..

Very soon, I guess I’ll have to find those moments again!

I’ve actually been pretty happy with no reason at all, apart from one thing on my mind. I finally had my hair done and it stayed kind of red for quite a while. I don’t think it is still red though. The color has slowly faded away. I wonder if I should dye my hair red one day.

Late last year, I had so much fun watching 5 caterpillars growing into hawk moths. As now, there aren’t any cutie caterpillars about, I decided to look for something else to watch.

One day, I spotted that at each and every corner of the bathroom is a safe home for little spiders. I slowly moved one into a container and kept feeding it with smaller spiders. Anyway, one small spider survived and it turned out that they both – the big one and the small one – lived happily together, I just let them both go.

I really miss having something like that to watch. Unfortunately, it can’t be any plants or flowers as everything I’ve tried to grow so far never last that long. >___<”

OK. I guess I’d better get going. Lots of typing to be done..

Hippily happy!

