October 24, 2009

+ nature trip +

last weekend was the great chance for me to visit the nature. i am not the sort of person who enjoys nature that much. i mean i do love nature as it brings good air for me to breathe in.. :) well, i just love the beach too much, that’s all!

this trip happened as zoe went to join the 5-day camp up in the mountain with school. she did really have a great time and wanted to do this again next year. however, i went up there mainly to see her art and her friends’, see how she’s been and everything about her up there.

once we arrived at the camp, it didn’t take long at all for the sky to prepare the rain. still, we – the stubborn group – went out for a walk in the woods!

anyway, these are some of the pics i took during the short trip..

i really love this painting. i have no idea why. it looks so bright and seems to have some meanings to me. it’s like i can see the story in it but can’t quite explain it all..

so green, isn’t it? :) also, i love those fluffy clouds!

on our way home in the evening! so very beautiful..

i felt kind of stupid when i left my camera in the car instead of bringing it along to take nature snaps! all i got at the time was my iphone. and this photo was edited by ‘polarize’ app! cool, eh? :)

+ lovely time with ♥ bff ♥ +

finally, i got to spend my time with my bff from middle school. i can say that friends @ middle school are probably the bestest, to me! :)

we didn’t do much, other than eating mediterranean food..followed by new zealand natural! ahhh, they were so very yums*! after the consuming session, we went for a long long walk within the shopping mall, lol.. :)

at the end, we just found a cool spot for fun snaps! yeah, it was really fun(ny)..lol! i’m not at all used to taking pics with iphone, so lots of pics ended up laughable! :P also, i don’t know why i kept making funny faces when it was my turn to take pics..

i really had a great time.. next catching-up should have purikura involved! :)

October 13, 2009

+ my own little corner +

ok. i finally have the chance to put these pics on my blog. ooh, how long i’ve been waiting!

well, let’s start! :)

it’s not totally done yet. i need to do a lot with it still.

i’ll show them all slowly..

i made this myself, out of toilet and towel rolls. painted + doodled.

i like it, but i still want to do better.

my hair stuff. head wraps. hair bands. blah blah.

i plan to add more colors into this collection.

oh, yes! i put some other stuff in the basket too, very bad! :P

something like tissue pack, useless cards, movie tickets.

my accessories. bracelets, anklets, necklaces, rings.

Everything I mention above is in there.

un chat noir.

the big boy got it for me from france. thank you.

i do love both of them, un chat noir + the big boy.

my english book collection.

i’m so glad it stays this small.

i mean it used to need the big bookcase.

time to add some more? :)

earrings! indeed, they do need their home!

i’m going to buy lots of cute hooks today to make their home.

my little obsession.

hamish teddy bear. denbies baby bear.

teddy valentine’s card. my painting on paper plate ‘mad mom’.

inside gray & pink boxes, there are my craft thingies.

keep things are the floor is actually my thing!

i miss the vintage scale of minnie mouse so much.. :( but this one is nice and bright, so i think it’s ok. :)

the clown on the right was created by nisha. i really love this piece.

woohoo! that’s it for now. i love my colorful blog.

October 9, 2009

+ colorful +

i felt so lazy a long while ago. then, i found out lately that i’ve got tons of photos to edit. well, i finished the whole lot the other day. what a relief! i got to see so many cool pics i took as well. pretty colorful to me. :) all of these are nisha's art work i love. ♥

a yarn lady.

it looks so simple, but very cute to me.

an origami glitter pic.

i love that she picked bright colors.

a happy rain doll.

look at the doll. doesn’t it make you smile? :)

a sweet square.

her needlework with plastic frame. love the colors.

a photo display.

the idea is really wonderful.

my days are pretty lovely at the moment.

i love every day i spend.

October 6, 2009

+ me stuff +

a while ago, my friend on the online diary tagged me for ‘10 things you always have everywhere you go’. i can’t find 10 though, as I don’t count any accessories, my wallet and my cell phone – well, i often forget to bring them with me.

anyway, these are


i really can’t live without one. it has become my addiction. this is by che che. this collection is unbelievably cute! actually, i plan to buy a white one as well, if the big boy doesn’t mind. :P


recently, i’ve had to use a massive load of them, on my own work and the big boy’s. i actually prefer mechanical pencils to anything when i get to write, but in reality, i use pens more.


i actually love ipod, but i’m not at all good at looking after anything. so, i guess i should end up with something a lot cheaper with ok look! and this piece hasn’t disappointed me yet!


i never realize at all since they become big part of my days. anyway, i try my best not to have too much, only occasionally please!


i love doodling, scribbling, writing, journaling, etc. and last year the big boy surprised me with these 2 moleskines - un cahier à petits carreaux (yellow) and weekly notebook planner (red). i guess my plan for making my diy planner will have to be for 2011! :)


i actually try to change my super special silly habit slowly. i have no idea why i keep buying things in black, white, gray. i do love colors, all the colors. but when i get to spend on something, my choice turns totally limited. so, i guess this is a great start, right?!


ah! this has been my obsession for years, especially when I’ve got to deal with lots of letters. They keep me alive, awake and alert!

love you all.. ♥ xoxo