June 28, 2009

+ It’s been so long +

OMG! It’s been about 2 months I haven’t visited my blog at all. Yes, I’ve been too busy with this and that and in my free time I just wanted to spend with my big boy. :)

OK. There are so many things I want to put as updates here.

1. I finally had the time to draw a silly room plan…

And, believe it or not, everyone loved it! So, we tidied up the whole place together and it turned out so well, as planned. :D

2. I am fat again!! It’s just that I’ve been too busy and I had no time to exercise and when I got stressed, I ate a lot. I mean so much!

As soon as I can be free again, I shall do something about it. Sometimes, I feel like I want to have anorexia or bulimia. :(

3. What do you think about my new haircut?

It’s been way too hot right here in Bangkok. I sort of miss my long hair sometimes, but then this short one is not bad at all. Easy to wash, to dry to look after. What could I ask for more! But still, I’m growing my hair long again. :)

4. My digital camera has been broken by my 2-year-old monkey girl. :( Thank goodness, it’s the compact one, not my beloved D-SLR. There are a few lovely shots I took stuck in the camera which I haven’t been able to get them onto the computer yet. I will as soon as I get a card reader or, even better, a new compact camera. :)

So, the recent pics I have are mainly from my mobile phone.

5. I’m so excited about taking Mr. Holga out and about again. I really miss him and every moment we have spent together in old days.

Here are his fantastic works from the last road trip.

(The blurry ones are totally my fault. I don’t have a scanner, therefore, I have to put these prints into my camera so they would turn out to be in a digital format.)

That’s it for today! I’m so tired updating this blog, but of course, I do enjoy it a lot!
